Want to have a custom tool tip on your dojox chart? The easiest thing to do is to use a custom function when creating the Tooltip object.
First: Add the require for the tool tip.
dojo.require( 'dojox.charting.action2d.Tooltip' );
Second: define the function to be used when a tooltip is required.
new dojox.charting.action2d.Tooltip(chart1, "default", {
text : function(o) {
return ( o.run.name +'<br>' + o.y ); }
} );
As you can see the tool tip function is passed the o object. This object describes the chart, series and plots you'll need to make a nice tool tip. What you need is the o.run.name, which is the name of the series and o.y, which is the value of the data point on the y axis. Combined with <br> you'll get a two line tool tip.
Well, this is a three liner, but it looks much the same. That's because I used a more complicated tool tip function that uses the label function to add the x axis label to the tool tip.
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